One paragraph that Explains life...!

Once a Legendary Wimbledon Player was dying of Cancer...
He received letters from his fans.,
One of which Conveyed: ~ Why did God has to select you for such a bad disease..?

Player replied:
''50 million children see tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 50000 lern professional tennis, 5000 come to the circuit, 500 reached Grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, Only 4 reach the semifinals and 2 to the final...

And when I was holding the Cup I never asked God 'Why Me..?' & Now in the Pain I should not ask God 'Why Me..?'

Happiness keeps you Sweet...!
Trials keeps you Strong...!
Sorrow keeps you Human...!
Failure keeps you humble...!
Success keeps you Glowing...!
but only FAITH keeps you GOING...!
god bless "YOU"

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